Lopen in de regen; dit is de enige echte waarheid van de wereld van Timothy!
Vandaag was er op runner’s world de vraag: Zijn wij de enigen, of vindt iedereen het stiekem minder erg om in de regen te lopen, dan om in de regen op het punt te staan om te gaan lopen?
Al snel werd er geoppert dat er meer O2 in de lucht zat. Maar is dit ook zo of is het een broodje aap?
Na wat opzoekwerk leert me dit fenomeen al een aantal keren is onderzocht met dit als resultaat:Possibly a stupid question, but:
Is there any more Oxygen in the air when it rains?
I ran in moderate rain today for 29 minutes, with an average heartrate of 161bpm. On Wednesday I ran in the dry at the same time of day(with similar daily calorific and water intake) for the same distance taking 31 minutes with 167bpm. The run in the rain obviously 'felt' easier.
A friend(really) claims that this is because there is more oxygen in the air during and just after rain. He can offer no explanation or source but is confident and I think he is genuine. I have experienced easier running in the rain before but only have anecdotes for it, and have asked google, but to no avail.
Could the cooling act of the rain result in increased local atmospheric density? Could the trees being pumping more oxygen in the rain? Is it psychosomatic? Is it just complete nonsense?
Is there any more Oxygen in the air when it rains?
I ran in moderate rain today for 29 minutes, with an average heartrate of 161bpm. On Wednesday I ran in the dry at the same time of day(with similar daily calorific and water intake) for the same distance taking 31 minutes with 167bpm. The run in the rain obviously 'felt' easier.
A friend(really) claims that this is because there is more oxygen in the air during and just after rain. He can offer no explanation or source but is confident and I think he is genuine. I have experienced easier running in the rain before but only have anecdotes for it, and have asked google, but to no avail.
Could the cooling act of the rain result in increased local atmospheric density? Could the trees being pumping more oxygen in the rain? Is it psychosomatic? Is it just complete nonsense?
Rain removes impurities and polutants from the air including carbon dioxide, which is more water soluble than oxygen, so oxygen remains in the air more than carbon dioxide. This would increase the concentration of oxygen in the air. Also, as you said, the air will be denser since it is cooler so again the oxygen concentration will be higher - but I don't know how much of a difference both effects will make. The rain helps to keep you cool when running which may help. Additionally you may enjoy the rain (you said it felt easier).
(I wouldn't assume the trees are having an effect - it will be cloudy so photosynthetic rate will be lower. The trees reaction to newly available water is not instant - probably taking several hours)
(I wouldn't assume the trees are having an effect - it will be cloudy so photosynthetic rate will be lower. The trees reaction to newly available water is not instant - probably taking several hours)
Dus ja het is geen broodje aap! :)
Dit mooi wetenschappelijk onderbouwd antwoord verdient een hoeratje!Dus laat ons allemaal lopen in de regen!
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